The protection of personal data is a matter of trust and customer trust is very important for DANCING DAY SRL. For this reason, DANCING DAY intends to respect the private and personal sphere of its Customers and observe every applicable legal rule relating to the processing of personal data. With this statement, DANCING DAY intends to inform the customer about the collection and use of personal data and request its consent in order to use it for certain purposes.

The Customer will be informed of the methods of collection and use of personal data in the context of navigationon the and any orders. While browsing the aforementioned sites, at no time will it be possible to identify the Customer, who will remain anonymous, unless he decides to connect by typing his user name and password.

The customer can print and/or save this document, using normal browser functions ("File" => "Save As"). The Customer expresses his consent, also in accordance with and for the effects of art. 23, Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196, to the processing and communication of their personal data for the purposes and in the manner described in this document.